89-123-A9p2 Arsairian 7 Reporting Fractal Composition

by Rolando Burbon
89-123-A9p2 Arsairian 7 Reporting Fractal Composition
Rolando Burbon
Digital Art - Digital Art
89-123-A9p2 Arsairian 7 Reporting Is A Science Fiction Fractal Art image with a portal structure that has a Gothic look to it, being populated with lots of interesting fractals elements.
At the center is the doorway structure that is portal to another universe of planets, stars and nebula with rich blue hues.
89-123-A9p2 Arsairian 7 Reporting is composed of 153 fractal elements with a total of 451 layers. With this image I used two Mandelbulb 3D generated fractals and the other 151 fractals were created with the Fractron 9000 fractal generator.
I used the Photo Elements 7 image editor to assemble and post process as well as manipulate some of the fractals to get the right look for the piece. The colors of the image are achieved by adjusting the hue & saturation values of the fractals to visually tie together various elements of the structure to the universe.
April 29th, 2016
Comments (11)

Hanne Lore Koehler
WOW, Rolando! What an amazing imagination you have! Fantastic artistic futuristic fantasy creation! L/F
Rolando Burbon replied:
Thanks Hanne. This one took some time to complete as it is a mix of 2D and 3D fractals; and getting everything to mesh nicely took some effort. I.m working on new piece which I hope should blow peoples minds.

Vincent Autenrieb
This goes far beyond amazing. The depth and balance of imagery are incredible. Nicely done! -L/F
Rolando Burbon replied:
Glad You Like It Vincent. This one took a wild to create, as building the structure to a lot of playing with the fractals and blending the 2D with the 3D fractals was a tricky in creating a uniform 3D look.

Britta Glodde
Beautiful work. Draws me in. Love the atmosphere too. L
Rolando Burbon replied:
Thanks Britta; I would say that this is my best fractal sci-fi composition to date.. It uses a mix of 2D and 3D fractals.

Reynold Jay
This one transports me into a another beautiful world, Xzendor. You are the man! FAV !!!!!!!!!!
Rolando Burbon replied:
This piece came very close to my original intent. When I start creating highly complex detailed fractals I'll be looking to create a new one. Glad You Like It Reynold.

Vincent Autenrieb
Spectacular! Half expect to see a rainbow bridge and Heimdall gazing through the portal. Stunning use of fractals. A Fav.
Rolando Burbon replied:
Thanks Vincent; As I Get Better At Creating These I'll Be Able To Create More Elaborate Pieces.

Marvin Spates
Wow this is so truly remarkable!! Fantastic works of art!!! L/F
Rolando Burbon replied:
Thanks Marvin. This 153 Fractal Composition Came Very Close To The Original Portal Concept I Had In My Head. The Addition Of The 3D Mandelbulb Fractals Helped A Great Deal In Making The Image Possible, As It Greatly Reduced The Number Of Fractals I Would Have Needed In Creating The Image.