Daria Cyborg Queen Tech Fractal Portrait
by Rolando Burbon
Daria Cyborg Queen Tech Fractal Portrait
Rolando Burbon
Digital Art - Digital Art
This variant of Daria Cyborg Queen replaces the dark background with a kaleidoscope set made from my previous fractal compositions "The Realm Of Osphilium.
To wash out the color I used an adjustment layer level, along with a hue/sat adjustment layer. This gives the background a bright paper and dark ink line tech look that allows for the portrait of Daria to appear as if it's coming out of the page.
I also enhanced certain parts of the image and removed several other fractals that became redundant in the scene.
In order for the text to be clearly readable I added a stroke effect to the text that had a contrasting color to that of the text.
Daria Cyborg Queen Tech is composed of 178 layers of which 61 fractals were used in creating this portrait Science Fiction Portrait.
32 fractals were used to create the eyes, eye sockets, brows and lashes; 1 fractal for the lips; 6 fractals for the nose and supporting structure; 2 fractals for the face; 7 fractals for the skull; 5 fractals for the garment; 6 fractals for additional accents; 4 Kaleidoscopes for the background.
To create the fractals I used the Fractron 9000 Fractal Generator; for the kaleidoscopes I used a program called Kaleider. All elements were assembled and post process with the Photo Elements 7 Image Editor.
April 29th, 2016
Comments (3)
Reynold Jay
Oh, oh...I may be falling under her spell! HELP ME! Beautiful work of art. Well done! FAVORITE!
Reynold Jay
This is one babe I am not going to mess around with! Well done. FAV
Rolando Burbon replied:
Thanks Reynold - Though This One Is Made Up Of Entirely Fractals It's One Piece That People Don't Seem To Care For. The One That Followed This "Darian Warrior" People Liked Much Better.
Denise Davis
This is lovely Rolando
Rolando Burbon replied:
Thank You Very Much Denise This Pattern Version Of The Original Fractal Portrait I Like The Most. It's Completely Made Of Fractals And It's The Piece I ave To Be When I Start Creating Other Pure Fractal Portraits.